Congratulations to Jennifer Micklewright on her BA degree in Biological Sciences. Jennifer was a senior honors research student in my lab and a three semester member of the Conservation of Marine Resources creative inquiry team.

Jenn's research project was to determine the influence of salinity on Hematodinium infection on blue crabs. She collected and processed blood samples from over 400 individuals collected in the ACE Basin NERR.

Jenn extracted both host and parasite DNA from preserved blood and amplified them for species-specific genetic markers. She found that diseased crabs were most likely found in high salinity locations, in the Combahee River, in December, and in years with the lowest river discharge.

She presented her research at the 2011 Benthic Ecology Meeting and the 2011 Focus on Creative Inquiry Symposium. Her thesis research was supported by funds from the SC Sea Grant Consortium, the Calhoun Honors Society, and the Creative Inquiry program.
For a PDF version of Jenn's research poster, click here.
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